Notice of an Annual General Meeting for Western Canada Mountain Bike Tourism Association (MBTA)

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 at 11am PST - via conference call

Call in details will be provided to members and partners one week prior to the AGM

The AGM is being held for the following purposes:

  • To receive the report of the directors and the accounts for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
  • To re-elect board members who under the bylaws of the association and, being eligible, are offering themselves for re-election as directors
  • To elect new directors to the association who wish to be nominated – nomination form – nominees must be current partners/members or may also be recognized stakeholders in the mountain biking sector
  • To consider and, if thought fit, pass any resolutions which may be proposed as a special resolution – special resolutions will be advised in advance of the AGM

A reminder including the agenda, board vacancies, and further details will be sent to all members approximately one week prior to the meeting date.

For more information, please contact Martin Littlejohn at