Members of the MBTA complete trail work at the 2022 MTB Tourism Symposium hosted at SilverStar Mountain Resort.
Project Overview: The Mountain Bike Tourism Association’s Trail Stewardship Enhancement Project has been awarded funding from the B.C. Destination Development Fund (DDF). The DDF aims to invest in projects that: The project contains two main components: 1) Refreshing or building between 40-60 trail information kiosks to help inform and educate trail users about the local trail network(s) and how to support the local group(s) that maintain them and ultimately provide a more consistent experience for local riders and visitors alike. Communication on signage will be site-specific, including trail information, risk mitigation and maps. This will include implementing the new Provincial Trail Signage Standards which are scheduled for release in fall of 2023. 2) Data collection will provide insights into the work done by trail organizations as well as volume estimates for trail users that will also differentiate between residents and visitors. With limited insight into the full scope of outdoor recreation in the province, this data will enhance our understanding of how widely utilized our trail systems are. For mountain biking groups looking to demonstrate how much their trails contribute to their local communities, collecting trail user data can help clubs to secure additional funding to support their activities and operations. We will be hosting an event in the fall to provide an overview of the program and how it will work. Stay tuned for more information or feel free to email grant@mbta.ca with any questions.